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Thursday, January 13, 2022

Online Marketing - How To Lead?

Online Marketing - How To Lead?
Online Marketing - How To Lead?

Internet marketing seems simple. Website, Facebook profile, and customer waiting. Unfortunately, the reality is cruel because you won't get far with this approach.

Why? The answer is trivial. Online marketing changes day by day. You have to be up-to-date to be able to successfully reach customers. So how do you run an online marketing strategy? After reading this story, you will know where to start.

Internet Marketing - Does It Help Your Business Grow?

Yes and no. It depends on how you approach it. Every business owner should know that advertising is a success factor. It is already quite an imprinted slogan that sometimes seems to just talk. This is a mistake.

Competitiveness in the market is increasing. The employer's market has turned into the employee's market, and this has led more and more people to start their businesses. It also turns out that competing on prices with other traders is becoming more and more difficult. And what now?

The only way to stand out from the crowd of competition is through creative advertising. And it's not about advertising banners or TV spots. Currently, companies promote themselves practically for free and with great results.

This is what internet marketing is,  i.e. a way to effectively promote your company for next to nothing. To prove it to you, here are some numbers:

  • There are 7.5 billion people in the world;
  • 53% of the population uses the Internet;
  • 42% of the population is active on social media;
  • 68% of people use mobile devices with Internet access.

Do I need to say more?

I guess so. You will learn everything from the recording below:

Online Marketing - How To Lead?

How to start?

Currently, the best way to reach people is through online advertising. The best part is that you don't have to pay for it, or the cost is one-off, e.g. creating a new website, which I will be happy to help you with, or sharing practical knowledge, i.e. content marketing.

Following the principle of  "know me, like me, trust me, pay me", it is worth realizing that by

giving, we gain the most because the business will always be based on one thing. On the

collaboration of people.

However, in order not to get lost in the world of mysterious-sounding SEO, SEM, AdWords, and advertising campaigns, several main categories of internet marketing should be distinguished.

Elements of internet marketing

  • Paid advertising

  • SEO in SEM

  • Website development

  • Social media

  • Influencing Marketing

  • Affiliate programs

  • Mailing

  • Viral Marketing

  • Remarketing

  • Content marketing

Even if these terms seem completely unfamiliar to you, don't worry. Although the above-mentioned elements give the best effect, you also have to pay dearly for them. Fortunately, there are ways to promote free of charge, as you will learn about in the rest of this text.

However, to introduce you to the world of marketing, here are short definitions of the above categories:

  • SEO - is a process aimed at increasing the position of a website in free (natural, organic) search results;

  • SEM - all internet marketing activities that combine SEO, advertising, and paid campaigns;

  • Optimization - all activities on your website aimed at increasing its visibility in the search engine;

  • Positioning - all activities aimed at acquiring increasing the number of links on the Internet that lead to your website;

  • AdWords - an advertising system offered by Google that allows you to display your website in sponsored search results;

  • Influencer - a popular person (most often in social media) who can influence the decision of his audience, which is usually a group of fans.

Bad internet marketing strategy - the biggest mistake of entrepreneurs

The headline is straightforward. A bad plan is a straightforward bankruptcy path. And it is not only about marketing, but also the functioning of the entire company. Without planning activities, everything is usually done blindly. Needless to say, this approach generates a loss of time and money and does not bring any effect, or it does not translate into the company's profit.

Below are 2 examples:

  • An ill-considered campaign in social media

Investing in advertising campaigns on Facebook, but without the use of appropriate tools such as Pixel FB and A / B tests. Thanks to them, it is possible to assess whether a given action brings an effect and allows it to be measured. This is the basis for your marketing activities to

translate into profit.

Case Study of one of Lublin's companies in the food industry.

Idea:  Nutrition workshops for community centers and libraries in the Lublin province.

Marketing plan:

  1. Create a universal email and company profile on Facebook;
  2. Send e-mails to all branches using the addresses available on the home page of that place;
  3. Share humorous posts on social media that are to make people from Lublin and the surrounding area like the company.

From a marketing point of view, this approach is flawed to the limit. Apart from the fact that the product/service did not have any advertising and the owner focused on promoting the company, sending an e-mail with the offer in the first e-mail contact with the facility will not be successful for several reasons:

  1. It's illegal;
  2. The mail will go to the SPAM folder anyway;
  3. Sending an offer without prior contact always ends the same. The facility does not know the company, so it is unlikely to use it (especially during the first contact).

Another thing is the profile on social media. While the profile can be used to put contact details there and outline the area of ​​activity, sharing "funny" pictures do not encourage you to use the services of a dietary company, and even repels you.

You could say that there was some plan. But what was he missing? Two things:

1. Defining the exact customer profile;

2. Ignorance of marketing trends.

Online Marketing - How To Lead?

Marketing on the Internet - ignorance of the target group

So the question is how to start promoting yourself on the web? The answer is simple. First, you need to precisely define your target audience.

For this purpose, you can use:

  • Polls with questions about your interest in the service

  • Telephone calls to existing customers

  • Statistics available on the Internet (you will learn about it below)

  • Actions of the competition

For example, I'll show you what you can get with Facebook.

Thanks to the statistics available in the fan page settings:

  • You will learn the demographic data of the target group;

  • You will learn about the industries in which your recipients work;

  • You will learn what are their favorite sites and topics in different categories;

  • You will learn if and how customers are active on Facebook;

  • You will learn about places and companies that will help you reach your target audience.
Online Marketing - How To Lead?

The interface is easy to use and the tool gives a lot of useful information. Its service is a topic for the next article, so let me know if you would need such knowledge?

No procedures

One of the basic mistakes in doing internet marketing is the lack of procedures. At first glance, this formulation seems quite complicated, but is it also true in practice?

Of course not. A procedure is an ordinary document that tells us how to complete a given task step by step. Regular checklists are a perfect example of such procedures.

This is probably the easiest and, at the same time, the most effective form of procedure in the company. To best illustrate this, let me give you an example. So take a look below for a social media posting checklist (Facebook).

Sample procedure



1. Check Google Trends to see what topic in

your industry is worth discussing


2. Prepare 1 sentence of the post according to the instructions

(interest the reader)


3. Create a text that will explain a certain

issue (give value to the client)


4. Add a sentence from CTA (call to action),

call for action (like, comment, share)


5. Add emoji to the entry


6. Create a graphic with text for your post


7. Check if the text is correct


8. Share or schedule publications


As you can see, the checklist is simple and its use will make your work

faster at work. Defining a plan and sticking to it can increase

your efficiency by up to 30%. Follow procedures for such tasks, especially

when it comes to internet marketing. This is the key to success.

Ignorance of internet marketing trends

If the target group, plan, and procedures are ready, move on to something without which everything that has been worked out so far will not work anyway - i.e. trends.

Internet marketing changes day by day. Therefore, it is worth being up-to-date and collecting some basic data on marketing in a given industry. To do this, you need to answer a few questions, and here are some of them:

  • What advertising distribution channel will reach my target group;

  • Offers products / services on the local / national / international market;

  • Which tools to choose for promotion in my industry;

  • How competition is promoted;

  • What brings the best effect;

  • How much does it cost to use tools;

  • What budget can I spend on promotion;

  • Do innovative methods of promotion make sense?

  • Statistical evaluation of opportunities and threats of a given promotion model

  • What marketing goal do I want to achieve at the moment?

Internet Marketing - Summary

Marketing on the Internet is an element of the company's functioning that currently cannot be jumped over if you think about development. Choosing the right promotion tool and method may seem difficult given how many solutions are available on the market. So let's know where to start. After reading this text, you surely know it already.

The simple methods described above are how to start promoting your services or products on the Internet. However, if it still seems complicated to you, click here  and find out what I can do for you so that your business brings new customers overnight, which does not have to be expensive, and sometimes it's just free.


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