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Monday, January 3, 2022

A free life of a freelancer

A free life of a freelancer

It sounds like a dream career. No boss bothering, no office, own routines, no stress in the morning. Well, that's just some of what's right. Before I say anything about it, I want to put down an opinion that is out and about. You do not choose freelancer life because you want to get a foot in the door to get a permanent job. If you go for it, you fail first and foremost as a freelancer and then as a possible employee. You choose to become a freelancer because you want to. You want to control what you work with from A to Z. You also want some control over which projects you want to work on. Then you want control over your own everyday life.

There are many beliefs and myths about being a freelancer. I will take them to heart now and tell them what reality is.


There are many beliefs and myths about being a freelancer. There are also many benefits to being a freelancer and many of them I enjoy very much. But I'll now tell you the truth.


A free life of a freelancer

When I talk about flexibility, I'm talking about choosing clients and choosing their niche. In other words, one specializes in one or more subject areas. I specialize in performance (social media, google ads, SEO) and start to specialize in websites. But I know freelancers who have the same qualities, but who choose to work with only one or a few industries. Some prefer to work with customers in the health sector, some in the construction industry and others in, for example, IT or another industry.

You also choose your working time. While some choose to work 20 hours a week, others choose 60-70 hours a week. I prefer the latter. Or you can choose to work for almost 24 hours in one week and take it a little calmer next. It's all about how efficient you choose to be and how you dispose of your time.

· When you start, it is not so stupid to choose the poorly paying customers to build a portfolio that you can show. If the work gives good results, you can also raise the price for the same customer or go up a little higher for the next customer. You may also want to do your best for that customer so the customer may want to invest more in your work and get even better results.

· You can be selective. But it is important to keep in mind that some niches and projects can pay better than others.


A free life of a freelancer

I often say that being a freelancer is a way of life. Who does not want to control their own everyday life? Take more control of your own life and work from anywhere. But is that so? Partial. All the different customers also demand theirs and also have their times to relate to. Meetings and such often happen during the day because then it is easiest to get hold of everyone. But when it comes to everything else you need to do, you can work when you are most productive. I must have a structure in which I control myself. In other words, a plan ahead otherwise things will look like this. But it often happens that I work through the night because then I think most clearly. Still, I get up every morning between 06-07. Takes the blood sugar measurement, airs the dog, checks the plan for the day, reads emails, news, helps send a daughter to school. Then it's full run. It requires structure. Often more than one in a workplace. Because you are responsible for things being done as they should be and you only have yourself to lean on.

As an employee, you have to set the clock early, help the children up at so / school if you have children. After that, you get in the car or hurry to the bus or train and then spend anywhere from half to two hours on a journey. You also spend the same amount of time on the way back. You avoid that as a freelancer. There is also money saved on petrol and tickets.

· The time you spend traveling from and to work can be spent working. Possibly on administrative matters or preparing for new projects and clients.

· Be with the family when they need one. But it also requires setting certain boundaries. If you are at work, you are at work no matter where it may be. It is said that having fun in the home leads to joy at work.


A free life of a freelancer

If you have a permanent job, you also have a fixed agreed income that may increase slightly over time. As a freelancer, you have full control over your income and you have the opportunity to earn much more.

As you earn a living as a freelancer, you have the full opportunity to delegate some of the work to other freelancers and take your percentage of what they earn through projects that they receive from you. You can also train others and earn on some side projects.

· You can get to a point where you want to expand by being a Coach for others or taking on many more projects. Whatever you want, you must take one thing at a time because otherwise, you will end up without completing any of what you have implemented.

· Extensions take time. When you first start expanding, your income may fall slightly, but recover.


A free life of a freelancer

I can safely say that the disadvantages can also be the nightmares. Although I think freelancing can be wonderful, some things pull it down.


A free life of a freelancer

Having a good flow of money is very important for everyone. We all have bills to pay, food that must be on the table, other vital things. Some of us also have several mouths they have to satiate. It requires that you have a clear budget for how much you should earn per month. Some customers will pay you monthly, weekly, project-related, or once every six months. Many beginners fall into the trap where they work first, but do not get a penny. Many people get paid much later after they have finished their work. It has happened to me several times. A good piece of advice here is to create good relationships with the customer and put in place a good contract where you also specify a payment date. If it is a continuous job, the man sets a fixed date for the month. Then you know when you can expect money and it's neat for both sides.

· If you are working on a project that is to be for a certain period, demand half to start with and the rest when you deliver the work. It counteracts junk customers and gives you a secure flow of finances and not least, it increases your credibility.

· Make a good contract between you and the customer. It creates security for both.


A free life of a freelancer

I would say this is the biggest nightmare and something very many people struggle with within the beginning. If you are also one of those who do not have a large network privately, you will struggle extra there. Without customers no salary.

It can also be very challenging to find trusting customers with whom you can build a long relationship. Often you end up in competition with other freelancers who offer themselves for a much lower rate. Therefore, it is important to find customers who understand your value and are willing to pay for it.

· Focus on existing customers instead of constantly looking for new ones. You already know them from before and you know their needs. You have certainly become acquainted with someone within their organization who has become part of your network.

As a freelancer, you need to be forward-thinking and proactive. You need to learn how to pitch your offers to potential customers. Not only do you create chances, but you avoid a lot of competition.


A free life of a freelancer

As a freelancer, you run your own business. This means that you are responsible for your income, pay taxes, VAT, social security contributions, etc. This means that you are also the master of your own house and have the freedom to do as you wish. No one tells you how to do it or when. But that does not mean you are not responsible. If you do not do the job you were hired for, you will not be paid. It is entirely possible to be distracted when you are alone. Especially when you have to multitask between multiple customers. This means that you must have routines and be strict with yourself. I have that attitude when I work so I'm actually at work. Wherever I may be.

· Be strict with yourself and work with self-discipline. Incorporate certain routines so things do not flow. Get rid of anything that can distract you and ruin your efficiency. Agree with the others in the house that you work and need some quiet time.

· Imagine the amount of work before you say yes to a new customer and whether you can put it in your schedule. Never say yes to a customer you do not have time for.


A free life of a freelancer

As a permanent employee, you can only check the account on payday to see if the money has arrived. Taxes and everything is deducted. Don't be forced to think too much about it. But as a freelancer, you have to take care of all these things yourself. Many are overwhelmed and sloppy a lot here. I have done the same. But mistakes are learned from. Therefore, you mustn't downplay the administrative work. The advantage is to have a good and simple accounting system that can help you a lot. At the same time, keep in mind that you are responsible for marketing yourself.

You only make money when you work on the projects. The hours you spend on administrative work are free. But you do it for yourself and no one else. Those hours are very important to you no matter what you do. ¨

Working as a freelancer requires a lot of responsibility, discipline, planning, and trust. Being a freelancer is a big ¨learning by walking¨. Take steps at a time. You learn a lot along the way. Do not give up. I love it. Give gas.

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